Thursday, August 26, 2010

This one u can choose to play along with the previous video

This one... this one starts slow

Close your eyes and fall though space

Sound and mind with me

The sun has gone again

And twilight is our gold... a golden crown on my thoughts

We’ll walk hand in hand through the shadows and the prince of darkness will be trapped

This is the voice of those little things that are locked away

In your heart of hearts the trembling fingers as they undress and find the lips of your first kiss

Ur first breath mingled with another... We’ll float towards the sun and be wrapped in golden light


This is the emptiness of feeling the first cracks appears on your virgin heart

A single drop of blood appears on your seventh gate... runs jagged and mingles with clear tears never cried and burns your eyes... A burn as stinging as the first heart I’ve broken

A creature inside me who walks with a serpent staff and carries ajar in a tattered coat filled to the brim with beating hearts ripped violently from lovers never to be given back

This is the person inside the person inside u the silent beaten monk surrounded by a crumbling city.... which is  your soul in this world of the soulless

A stain where fresh flowers wither within hours and ruby eyes stare menacingly in the shadows on the road to good intentions

We’ll go through life and leave a trail of hurt and broken voices like a of bloodcrumbs for death to follow...

Until we in our infinite wisdom come full circle and greet death from behind and he’ll turn and smile... and say I’ve been waiting for a while.

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