Monday, August 23, 2010

Go to *Sleep

I won’t turn my thoughts down...
I refuse to go to sleep
It took me my entire life to wake up
It’s easier to go to sleep
People throw themselves too recklessly into the void
The void:
The place where, an asleep mind floats endlessly until called back to the now.
A place of broken dreams, have beens, had I tries, what ifs and could have done that’s

So I won’t go back to sleep my subconscious will over dose on insomniac lotion
To protect from thought burn-out
I’ll keep going like my minds a biological machine
Churning thoughts like a natural factory...No friend I won’t ever go to sleep

I’ll even dream awake if u believe it … I’ll live out my dreams. For dreams never end they just go right into the next sequence if u ever took the time to realize it

I’ll thank the dream-maker... Pray he never becomes a forsaker
Float with direction in the now… along my karmic thread

But I’m getting heavy
My lids are steady closing
Why go to sleep
It’s not he but me not me but us not us but the world not the world but human nature .
Go to sleep…
Never have to wake to this world... sit on the deck and never have to make that external push towards the light … there are no passwords there are no keys just me… and you
Go to sleep…
And Never dream for dreams are when we really are awake...Dreams are where colors are brightest ideas become flesh and blood no inception … concepts and thoughts walk by and say hi … the mind sliced into a million apple pies … dreams are an eternal sunshine in the spot less mind .
Go to sleep
To an ideal world... keeping it close to home white mixes with black into a golden generation … education is not necessary but a luxury … every one can hang out… their life’s laundry .
Go sleep
If u can’t compete with this world of mirrors and sharp edges … no personal space emotionally and physically... people get so close to one another literally and metaphorically to get through to each other … i wish life could be sorted with the shake of a hand…a world where smiles are not practiced, manufactured or processed but unfolded like the last flower in a frost covered meadow …
I go to sleep awake …

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