Tuesday, March 15, 2011


People take for granted how truly gifted those people are. The ones who maintain that above average way of thinking for the duration of their life span. Like the tennis player who never gives up and runs his heart out even in the face of a more skilled opponent,  the person who came from the ghetto and through sheer power of thought sits on an empire spanning the entire world. Hollywood actors who produce and star in four to five movies a year. Those people in the library studying who always look busy every single day, the people who feverishly take notes (pages of the said notes) in a class that you are struggling to stay awake in AND those people who live on the edge of a darkness, a darkness which is only lit by constant echoes of NO it can't be done or its impossible.. but we never give in we walk the fine line between darkness and greatness and see the world through our eyes and nothing can change that we are individuals.  ~ Money doesn't make the man. In my opinion a single individual can change the world they live in just by simply thinking it into existence. Power to dream is an ethereal gift. It follows... that this gift should be shared .. it is ! intentionally or otherwise. people begin to feel your presence and u begin to see them open up so to speak. Think of  it as an endless field of bright tulips. One tulip has grown taller than the others through its own personal struggles and the beauty of being in the same field as this flower is that u get to benefit from seeing someone opening up their petals, spreading their wings what ever u call it right in front of you inspiration in its purist form. So, where before i would feel alone and isolated i feel like time has slowed down as i walk among the opening flowers of my friends. It feels GOOD positive energy is a way better fuel for my dreams than loneliness and confinement... after all i am a peoples person. So the point of this post is... to capture that feeling of the new year u know.. the one when u think anything is possible and u make so many resolutions and dream so many things and then ..its March and your just trying to stay above the mountains of assignments or whatever work that you do. That feeling has left the air.. 
just a reminder to always follow your intuition and actually some people like being the same... it took me a while to accept that ... so ummm power to them and that but i'll keep on being me :) 

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