Saturday, March 12, 2011

Via .... brother blog peep it


Its late, & i’m quite relaxed. Don’t know why i’m compelled to write but it just feels natural… like the right thing to do. Actually don’t know the last time i’ve even written a post. For those who follow this blog, i’m sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve been busy preparing for midterms as well as sorting things out with this label. Been logo designing recently, probably over the past two weeks, and its only now i see how hard it really is. I’ve been through so much trial and error already and it isn’t even done yet. (chewing…Damn this cereal tastes good)… Any ways, the NxA team is definitely working so we can provide some sort of evidence of what we’re supplying. A lot of thought is being poured into this thing… not that we’re trying to change the world or anything, but, we just want the best of our creativity to shine through. I know you totally understand what i mean so i’m going to continue eating my cereal & supply these blog posts.

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