Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So i'm here again... seems like the writer inside me was lost by all means caught up in the never ending cycle we call "life". Point here that i'm making is sometimes we have to get up and dive literally into ourselves to find the little elusive thing called motivation especially if we are going through some tough times. So I went in this morning ...like one of those fearless english type explorers and found "the writer" and told him I need him and here I stand .... it was like some matrix type ish ... so I took the red pill ... and now my mind is unplugged ...

semester has started and boy do people up here make u feel insignificant ... - "friend" asks me what I do up here .. i say literature ... i ask him the same  he says law .. looks at me and says "oh I thought u were up here actually doing work" in a condesending tone, laughs and says when am I switching majors ... needless to say I walked away ...

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